San Diego Scottish Highland Games

2024 Highland Games June 22-23

2024 Highland Games June 22-23

Join us For Kirkin of the Tartan

Kirkin of the Tartan, Sunday November 21st 2021. 10am, Grace Presbyterian Church, Vista.

Open invitation to all members and friends of the San Diego Scottish Highland Games and Gathering of the Clans, to attend the church service joining the congregation and having your Tartan blessed. You can bring a piece of tartan or wear it.
During the service you will be asked to present your tartan which means calling out the family or society that you are representing.
Following the service the games will host refreshments (cakes and cookies with Scottish connections). 
We would love to see you there!
Best Regards,
SDSHG Chieftain

(note: this is not a photo of our event, but an example of what one looks like)


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