San Diego Scottish Highland Games

2024 Highland Games June 22-23

2024 Highland Games June 22-23

Robert De Bruce

Know More About Robert De Bruce

After the death of Balliol, the King of Scotland, in 1296, Scotland remained without a monarch for around 10 years. The country is ruled by King Edward I remotely. During that time, Scots resistance turned into a war to attain independence, and Robert Bruce and William Wallace played a major role.

A Guardian Of Scotland

In the year 1297, William Wallace won the Battle of Stirling Bridge and became a Guardian of Scotland. The following year, King Edward I of England again invaded Scotland and defeated Wallace in the battle of Falkirk, where more than 20000 Scots were killed by the English army. After that batter, William Wallace went underground.

However, in 1305, he was captured by the English army and hung in London. After that, in 1298, Robert Bruce killed John Comy and proclaimed himself the Guardian of Scotland. Well, after that, Robert Bruce was excommunicated for this. But after a few months, he became the crowned King of Scotland. He ruled the country for 23 years, from 1306 to 1329.

It may be noted that Robert De Bruce faced defeat in his first two battles and then became a fugitive. But Bruce’s decisive victory over the army of Edward II of England in 1314 at Bannockburn won the freedom.

The Treaty of Edinburg between Edward and Robert in the year 1328 led to the independence of Scotland. As per some reports, Robert De Bruce died due to a serious illness.

Some Facts About Robert De Bruce

·   Even though both William Wallace and Robert De Bruce were alive at the same time, there is no such evidence that they ever met.

·   John Barbour, a poet, mentioned that Robert Bruce broke his favourite Axe in the battle of Bannockburn by killing Henry De Bohun.

·   His win at the Battle of Bannockburn in the year 1314 allowed Bruce to demand the release of Elizabeth, his wife, Marjorie, his daughter, and his sister Christina from the English captivity.

·   From the year 1292 to 1313, Bruce was Earl of Carrick, and later the title was given to the prince of Wales, Charles.

·   Robert, as well as his father, were famous for their loyal behaviour, and they were very loyal to the English King. In fact, they both have paid homage to king Edward I. But after 8 months, Bruce joined the Scottish army to fight against Edward. Later, from 1302 to 1304, he returned to English allegiance as he married Elizabeth De Burgh.

·   Bruce held land in Dundee and in the Carse of Gowrie. Different records also show that he also had lands in different English states, like Durham and more.

·   In the year 1315, Edward, the younger brother of Bruce, led an attack on Ireland to defeat the English government based in Dublin and acquire the throne. Bruce also joined the battle. However, disease, famine, and bad weather forced them to retreat.

·   More than 500 written acts by Robert De Bruce have survived, including letters, treaties, briefs, and charters.

He was buried in Dunfermline Abbey, and you can see a cast of this skull in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery.

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